How you can help
Children die every day from hunger-related causes and millions have lost their parents to HIV/AIDS every 14 seconds. Countless people all over Africa still live without safe water. Millions suffer from hunger, poverty and violence ... yet there is hope. The percentage of people living in poverty has fallen faster in the past 50 years than in the previous 500 years. Malnutrition rates have declined almost a third. Child death rates have decreased by more than 50% in developing countries.
Through NCM-Africa we are bringing hope and healing to the people of Africa. NCM Africa connects the compassionate heart of people with the poor and hurting in ways that empower, restore, and offer hope. Your gifts (in whatever form) to NCM-Africa can extend the hand of hope to men, women and children across the African continent.
NCM-Africa is a strictly non-profit organisation and due to the increasing demands and needs of people affected by poverty, violence, illiteracy, famine, disasters, epidemics like HIV/AIDS and wars on the African continent, we are in dire need of financial and other forms of assistance. We cannot do it alone, the African people need your help!
You can help us to help the suffering and needy people in Africa through any one of the below mentioned methods:
Donate and become part of a miracle for those in desperate need:
You can assist NCM-Africa with their efforts across the African continent by making a small monetary donation towards our work. Even the smallest donation and offering of support will go a long way in helping the needy people of Africa. Donations can be made through cash deposits, electronic transfers, debit orders, cheque or credit card.
To make a donation contact us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further details or click on the following link:
The Power of Prayer:
There truly is power in prayer! You can help us by praying for NCM-Africa as they respond to the human needs and address the root causes of problems affecting the poor and powerless, especially women and children and that God might supply more resources so that NCM-Africa can link them to the need in Africa.