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Behind the Scenes

ncmpic2The main office of NCM-Africa is based in Florida Park, a suburb of Johannesburg, South Africa. From within our small offices a handful of qualified and professional people are hard at work at changing the lives of thousands of needy African people on a daily basis. It is here is where all our work across the African continent comes together.

Within these offices are the people who keep the fine threads of our network of people around the globe who have joined hands with us in our efforts together, as well as keeping track of all those being assisted through our work. Funding and resources are continually sought, new projects are being evaluated and researched, projects are approved and monitored on an ongoing basis, and funding and resources are being disbursed to such.

Furthermore we also have smaller offices throughout Africa from which our field coordinators and volunteer teams work on implemen-ting and monitoring the various projects and programmes in their individual fields and areas. These individuals keep track of various projects and programmes on their fields as well as report back to our main office on the progress and outcome of such, as well as keep us informed of all new developments and needs are they arise.

Our work is never ending with new areas of need being uncovered every day, new projects and programmes being developed and funding being sought. The workload is extreme, sometimes stressful and even emotionally and physically draining … but our goals are clear and our vision keeps us strong.

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Contact Us

Telephone Number: +27 11 472 3615
Fax Number: +27 11 472 2788
E-mail: ncm@africanazarene.org
Website: www.ncm-africa.org

Physical Address:

Nazarene Building
Cnr Ontdekkers and Botes Streets
Florida Park, 1724
Gauteng, Republic of South Africa

Postal Address:

PO Box 44
Florida, 1710
Republic of South Africa

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